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Home » Resolve to Prioritize Your Health in the New Year: Insurance Planning Tips
December 29, 2023
J.A. Faccibene & Associates

Resolve to Prioritize Your Health in the New Year: Insurance Planning Tips

person using laptop computer beside aloe veraAs the calendar flips to a new year, it’s a natural time for reflection and resolution-setting. While many people focus on personal goals such as fitness or career milestones, it’s equally important to turn attention to health and wellness. One key aspect often overlooked in this process is the role of insurance. Taking a proactive approach to your coverage can set the stage for a healthier and more secure future. 

Fully Understand Your Health Insurance 

Start the year by reviewing your health insurance coverage. Understand your plan, including deductibles, copayments and coverage limits. Ensure it aligns with your current health needs and any anticipated changes in the coming year. Consider factors such as prescription coverage, preventive care and access to a network of health care providers. If adhering to the Health Insurance Marketplace’s open enrollment period, you may have until Jan. 15, 2024, to add coverage or make changes. 

If your employer offers multiple plans, take the time to compare them and choose the one that best suits your needs. Don’t forget to explore health savings accounts (HSAs) or flexible spending accounts (FSAs) if available—they can provide tax advantages while helping you save for medical expenses. When choosing health insurance through your employer, you may be subject to different open enrollment period limitations. 

Explore Additional Coverage 

Beyond basic health insurance, consider supplementary coverage options that can provide an extra layer of protection. Critical illness insurance, for example, can offer financial support in the event of a serious health diagnosis. Dental and vision insurance are often separate from general health coverage and can be essential for maintaining overall well-being. 

Long-term care insurance is another consideration, especially when approaching retirement age. It helps cover the costs of assisted living, nursing home care, or in-home care, providing financial peace of mind for you and your loved ones. 

Embrace Wellness Programs 

Many insurance plans offer wellness programs to incentivize healthy habits. These can include discounted gym memberships, wellness screenings or even cash rewards for meeting specific health goals. Take advantage of these offerings to kickstart your journey in 2024 toward a healthier lifestyle. 

Wellness programs often provide valuable resources, such as nutritional guidance, stress management tools and mental health support. Engaging with these services can contribute to overall well-being and improve your quality of life. 

Prioritize Preventive Care 

Prevention is critical to maintaining good health. Schedule regular check-ups, screenings and vaccinations recommended by your healthcare provider. Many insurance plans cover preventive services at no additional cost, so take advantage of these opportunities to catch potential health issues early. 

In addition to routine medical check-ups, consider exploring alternative therapies and practices that promote holistic well-being. Some insurance plans now cover services like acupuncture, chiropractic care and mental health counseling, recognizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to health. 

Financial Health and Insurance 

Your financial health and insurance are intertwined. Unexpected medical expenses can be a significant financial burden, making it crucial to have an emergency fund in place. Evaluate your budget, set savings goals and consider how insurance can protect your financial well-being. 

We’re Here to Help 

At United Benefits Solutions, we’re committed to helping families and individuals ensure their health and wellness through optimal utilization of health insurance and other coverage solutions. Contact us today to learn more. 

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information. 

Categories: Health Insurance

Tags: Insurance Planning

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